Carp river

Carp river

The Carp River property comprised of five (5) contiguous mineral claims totaling 5,606.48 ha., is located immediately north of the hamlet of Stony Rapids in the province of Saskatchewan.  Stony Rapids is a full service community with a commercial airport.  Access to the Property is via fixed wing or helicopter aircraft.  From a regional perspective, the property lies within the Tantato Domain, which makes up part of the significant Snowbird Tectonic Zone. 

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Project Highlights

  • Located in mineral rich Saskatchewan a world class mining jurisdiction, immediately north of the town of Stony Rapids. 
  • Property is situated within the similar regional bedrock lithology associated with the nearby Axis Lake and Rea Lake Ni-Cu-Co deposits and Currie Lake occurrences of ALX’s Firebird property on which Rio Tinto has an option agreement to earn 80%. 
  • Numerous nickel, copper and cobalt showings along trend, including the Carp River, Bet Claims and McAskill showings associated with multiple moderate to high priority interpreted VTEM anomalies. 
  • Historic soil grid survey exploration on the Carp River grid in 2005 determined that Ni, Cu, Co anomalies were significant and comparable to those associated with the Axis Lake and Currie Lake occurrences located 5km and 10km to the west respectively.
Sherman Dahl, SKRR’s Chief Executive Officer, commented:

“SKRR continues to build shareholder value by thinking outside the box. Over the last six months we have expanded our property portfolio with a focus on battery metals in both Northern Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Over the next few months we are further committed to unlocking the value of our portfolio of Gold and Battery Metal assets. We are extremely excited to acquire the Carp River Nickel-Copper-Cobalt property and add to our expanding portfolio of assets in one of the world’s premier mining jurisdictions.”


Carp River overview

The Carp River property comprised of five (5) contiguous mineral claims totaling 5,606.48 ha., is located immediately north of the hamlet of Stony Rapids in the province of Saskatchewan.  Stony Rapids is a full service community with a commercial airport.  Access to the Property is via fixed wing or helicopter aircraft.  From a regional perspective, the property lies within the Tantato Domain, which makes up part of the significant Snowbird Tectonic Zone.  Regionally, bedrock consists primarily of mafic granulite and garnet-pyroxene diatexite formations, which extend on strike to the west towards the Axis Lake and Rea Lake Ni-Cu-Co deposits and the Currie Lake occurrences located within 5km to 10km to the west of Carp River.

Historic exploration by Red Dragon and Pure Nickel Inc. in 2005 included a regional airborne VTEM (Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic) geophysics survey which covered the known Axis Lake, Rea Lake, Currie Lake and other showings. Interpretation of the 2005 VTEM survey, picked numerous highly rated VTEM anomalies over the Carp River property. Follow-up soil grid surveys were conducted over areas where they determined that the conductors looked prospective.  Red Dragon and Pure Nickel determined that the Ni-Cu-Co anomalies became more intense close to nickeliferous norite bodies. One of those grids surveyed was the Carp River grid, located in the middle of the Carp River property, where soil results were significant and comparable to those around Axis Lake and Currie Lake occurrences. 

SKRR cautions that some of the historical results were collected and reported by past operators and have not been verified nor confirmed by a Qualified Person, but form a basis for future work on the Carp River Property. Mineralization hosted on nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization that may be hosted on the Carp River Property.

Carp River Property Overview
Father Lake Property Magnetics


Carp River Copper Values in Soil
Carp River Magnesium Values in Soil
Carp River Nickel Values in Soil Map
Carp River Map of Cobalt Values in Soil
Carp River Map of Chromium Values in Soil