Come Explore With SKRR
The Clearwater West Project is located – 20km outside the edge and in the south-west area of the Athabasca Basin, which is poised to become the next area for the development of major uranium mines in Saskatchewan. It is 13 km south of Fission Uranium’s Triple R deposit, located 7 km outside the basin edge on its PLS Property, where a Feasibility Study was recently completed, and 17 km south of NexGen’s Arrow uranium deposit.

A Year One exploration program budgeted at $0.7 million was conducted in 2013 and early 2014 consisting of property-scale VTEM airborne magnetic/electromagnetic surveying and high-resolution airborne magnetic/radiometric surveying. The VTEM conductor responses consisted of numerous predominantly NE-SW strike direction trends. Based on the VTEM AutoTau, a large number of target areas were apparent. Of these, three high priority areas were selected that show significant changes in conductor strike directions.
During summer 2014 a budgeted program of $30,000 comprised a geological prospecting team completing 80 km of field traverses, following up on anomalous responses from the high resolution airborne radiometric/magnetic survey. Priority for prospecting was given to clustering anomalies, possibly representing boulder fields, which were located down-ice of 2014 VTEM basement conductors. From 139 prospected sites, 14 rock samples were taken for further analysis.
In the fall of 2014 and early winter of 2015, a $325,000 ground geophysics program included 21 km of DC Resistivity and 17 km of Moving Loop Time Domain EM. The surveys were successful in further refining priority conductor areas defined in the 2014 VTEM survey.
Based on the previous work herein described, an $817,200 seven hole drill program was planned for summer 2015. Three holes totalling 537m were completed. Favourable geological environments consisting of graphitic metapelites, structural disruption and hydrothermal alteration were encountered, with one hole returning four intervals of anomalous radioactivity with a maximum peak of 410 cps over 0.5m.
SKRR entered into an option agreement with F3 Uranium Corp. respecting an option for SKRR to acquire up to a 70% interest in the Clearwater West Property. The Clearwater West Property is comprised of 3 contiguous mineral claims totaling 11,786 hectares.
SKRR considers the property to be highly prospective and the target depth of any uranium mineralization is expected to be shallow, as is the case with F3’s PLS and Patterson Lake properties.
- High priority areas from recent airborne and ground geophysics prospective for uranium mineralization.
- Recent drill intersections of anomalous radioactivity within graphitic metapelites.
- Fission Uranium Corp. discovered significant anomalous radioactivity 330m north of F3 Uranium’s Clearwater West Property boundary.
HISTORY – Earlier exploration efforts in The Property area consisted of reconnaissance airborne geophysical surveys from 1969-1979. North Saskatchewan Ventures Ltd. acquired permit ground in 1978 and sampled lake geochemistry during a geological prospecting program looking for base metals.
RECENT – Uranium focused exploration efforts by F3 Uranium Corp. and its predecessor companies included detailed airborne magnetics and spectrometrics by Special Projects Inc. (SPI) in 2013 and an electromagnetic VTEM survey by Geotech Ltd. In 2014 Fission 3.0 Corp. (F3) and Brades Resources Corp. entered into a property option agreement. Under this agreement F3 carried out prospecting in 2014 to ground truth radiometric anomalies discovered by the SPI airborne survey, and followed up on the VTEM survey results with 21.0 km of DC Resistivity and 17.125 km of small moving-loop electromagnetic ground surveys.
Results from the F3 work resulted in several well-defined EM basement conductors in association with resistivity anomalies that outlined several high priority targets for drilling. In July 2015 three holes were drilled for a total of 537 metres that intersected graphitic pelites with varying degrees of clay and/or chlorite alteration. In hole CWW15-003 five discrete and narrow intervals of anomalous radioactivity over 4.2 m of core length were detected. A peak radioactivity of 2,333 cps occurred at 193.4 m down hole and was associated with a pegmatite dyke.
No further work has been performed.
Learn More About SKRR - Watch Our Most Recent Interview
SKRR Exploration and F3 Uranium Join Senergy Capital's Mining & Markets Podcast
Aleem Fidai Chats with CEO Sherman Dahl and F3's President Ray Ashley
Sherman Dahl and Ray Ashley speak with Senergy about the details of SKRR’s exciting option agreement with F3, the upcoming program at Clearwater West, the property’s prime location being situated 13km south of Fission’s Uranium Triple R deposit, and much more.
Sherman Dahl, President & CEO of SKRR commented:
“SKRR is very excited to be having the ability to execute this option agreement number one and what really is one of the most exciting areas on the planet when it comes to uranium. I mean if we take the big picture view you know two of the most significant discoveries recently for uranium have been in this district. So it was based on our relationship with Ray and some of the senior management of F3 that we approached after with the idea of doing a joint venture on the Clearwater property which is right in the heart of this whole district”